Microsoft office word viewer characters
Microsoft office word viewer characters

microsoft office word viewer characters
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microsoft office word viewer characters

Word for Macintosh, despite the major differences in look and feel from the DOS version, was ported by Ken Shapiro with only minor changes from the DOS source code, which had been written with high-resolution displays and laser printers in mind although none were yet available to the general public. Desired features in Word such as indentation before typing (emulating the F4 feature in WordPerfect), the ability to block text to copy it before typing, instead of picking up mouse or blocking after typing, and a reliable way to have macros and other functions always replicate the same function time after time, were just some of Word's problems for production typing.

Microsoft office word viewer characters how to#

As most secretaries had learned how to use WordPerfect, companies were reluctant to switch to a rival product that offered few advantages. For example, in Word for MS-DOS, a file would be saved with the sequence Escape-T-S: pressing Escape called up the menu box, T accessed the set of options for Transfer and S was for Save (the only similar interface belonged to Microsoft's own Multiplan spreadsheet). Other DOS word processors, such as WordStar and WordPerfect, used simple text-only display with markup codes on the screen or sometimes, at the most, alternative colors.Īs with most DOS software, each program had its own, often complicated, set of commands and nomenclature for performing functions that had to be learned.

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Although MS-DOS was a character-based system, Microsoft Word was the first word processor for the IBM PC that showed actual line breaks and typeface markups such as bold and italics directly on the screen while editing, although this was not a true WYSIWYG system because available displays did not have the resolution to show actual typefaces.

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Word made full use of the mouse, which was so unusual at the time that Microsoft offered a bundled Word-with-Mouse package. Word featured a concept of "What You See Is What You Get", or WYSIWYG, and was the first application with such features as the ability to display bold and italics text on an IBM PC. However, it was not well received, and sales lagged behind those of rival products such as WordPerfect.

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Free demonstration copies of the application were bundled with the November 1983 issue of PC World, making it the first program to be distributed on-disk with a magazine.

microsoft office word viewer characters

Having renamed it Microsoft Word, Microsoft released the program October 25, 1983, for the IBM PC. On February 1, 1983, development on what was originally named Multi-Tool Word began. Simonyi hired Richard Brodie, who had worked with him on Bravo, away from PARC that summer. Bravo's creator Charles Simonyi left PARC to work for Microsoft in 1981. You can see the result as shown as below:įor more information, please visit: show or hide tab characters in Word.Many concepts and ideas of Word were brought from Bravo, the original GUI word processor developed at Xerox PARC. Check or uncheck the Tab Characters check box in the Display Setting dialog to show or hide the tab characters. Please apply the utility by clicking Enterprise > Display Settings. Kutools for Word, a handy add-in, includes groups of tools to ease your work and enhance your ability of processing word document. Users of Word can quickly show or hide tab characters by Kutools for Word. Show or hide tab characters with Kutools for Word Step 2: click Display > check or uncheck Tab characters in Always show these formatting marks on the screen section to show or hide the tab characters of document If you are user of Word 2010 /2013: click Filetab, and then click Options. If you are user of Word 2007: click Officeicon, and then click Word Options Show or hide tab characters in Word 2007/2010/2013 Step 2: click View tab > check Tab characters in Formatting marks section to show tab characters and uncheck to hide them

Microsoft office word viewer characters